Care of the Sick and Home Visits

where heart speaks to heart

There are many modes of healing; there is the anointing with blessed oil and the prayer of the whole community, but there are many other elements that lead up to and deepen our appreciation the sacrament, like our own laying on of hands when we care for one another day by day.

Care of the Housebound and Sick

We try to support the housebound and sick in the following ways:


  • Holy Communion in the Home (a team of Eucharistic Ministers and the parish clergy are available for this by arrangement). On the day of a visit it is helpful if you can prepare a small table with a white cloth, a crucifix and candle.
  • The Sacrament for the Anointing of the Sick is occasionally celebrated in church and is also available to individuals on request.
  • Both the SVP and the Legion of Mary make home visits. Due to the small number of volunteers you may have to wait for this.
  • Care of the dying - Viaticum (Food for the Journey) is a special rite during which a person nearing the time of death receive Holy Communion as food for the journey. Obviously if the person is unable to take communion they can still receive the anointing of the sick. Other elements in the rites that accompany a person in the final stages of life include a profession of faith, invocation of the saints, appropriate scripture readings and psalms and the Apostolic Pardon of sins. St Mary's University in London have produced a website that may help those faced with end of life issues:

You can arrange for home visits by contacting Deacon John or Fr Peter either by phone (01925) 242474 or by email on


Carers are the unsung heroines’ and heroes of the present day providing a level of personal care that meets Christ’s criteria for those who will enter the kingdom of heaven (see Matthew 25). Our parish community honours you for what you do in service of others.

Hospital Visits

If you, or a member of your family, are staying in hospital for any length of time it is important that you ask the ward staff to contact the Catholic Chaplain. Due to hospital trust policies concerning data protection you can no longer presume that the chaplain will find you without a direct request which you may have to repeat.

Parish Prayer List

Our weekly bulletin carries the names of those for whom prayers have been specifically requested. Names can only be added to this list with the prior knowledge of those concerned. Occasionally a name remains on the list after the need for specific prayers has passed, we would be grateful if you would let us know: