Saint John Henry Newman Catholic Church Warrington


28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12-13 October 2024.pdf
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Sunday Mass Times

Saturday Evening               5.30 pm

Sunday Morning                 9.00 and 11.00 am

Our YouTube Channels

 Newman Live Warrington- for live streamed liturgies, including weekly Sunday Mass at 11 am, on occasions it can be available for weddings and funerals.

Newman Parish Warrington - a range of material including many items produced during the Covid Pandemic. Playlists include: Praying at Home, Faith and Culture, The Adventures of Ceridwen and more…

Your Financial Support Made Easier

Parishioners who normally give in the collection at Mass and wish to help the Parish at this time, can now make an online donation using the following link:


Please note that a minimum donation of £5 is requested if giving in this way.


Just to let you know that those who enter

"a message of support" in the box provided

may find it being posted on the company website together with your name.

If I were you I would think twice about this.


You can also Gift Aid your donation, by ticking the box shown on the screen. This can still be done even if you have previously completed a Gift Aid Declaration form in favour of the Parish for regular giving made by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order. Thank you for your support Gift Aid provides us with an additional 25p for each £ donated


Pray for Ukraine

Forgive us for war, O Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!
Lord Jesus, born in the shadows of bombs falling on Kyiv, have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, who died in a mother’s arms in a bunker in Kharkiv, have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, a 20-year-old sent to the frontlines, have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, who still behold armed hands in the shadow of your Cross, have mercy on us!

Forgive us, O Lord.

Forgive us, if we are not satisfied with the nails with which we crucified Your hands, as we continue to slate our thirst with the blood of those mauled by weapons.
Forgive us, if these hands which You created to tend have been transformed into instruments of death.
Forgive us, O Lord, if we continue to kill our brother;

Forgive us, if we continue like Cain to pick up the stones of our fields to kill Abel.
Forgive us, if we continue to justify our cruelty with our labors, if we legitimize the brutality of our actions with our pain.
Forgive us for war, O Lord. Forgive us for war, O Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, we implore You! Hold fast the hand of Cain!
Illumine our consciences;
May our will not be done;
Abandon us not to our own actions!

Stop us, O Lord, stop us!
And when you have held back the hand of Cain, care also for him. He is our brother.
O Lord, put a halt to the violence!
Stop us, O Lord! Amen.

Pope Francis is urging all Catholics as well as other people of good will to consider how the Catholic Church can respond to the challenges of the present day. The Parishes of South Warrington: Saint Monica in Appleton, Saint Winefride in Lymm and Saint John Henry Newman are combining our efforts. We want to encourage as wide and inclusive an involvement as possible. Please take a look at the Synod Talk South Warrington website to see how you can contribute.

We also have a dedicated Facebook Page for those who would like to post their responses there.


'Shrewsbury ... shall be a name 'as stirring to the heart as the glories we have lost'  

John Henry Newman