
volunteers are happy people

Ideas So Far Include...

Home Deliveries

Playing Host at Church


Connected with the idea of keeping the church open would be the need for some cleaning which would be restricted to the assigned area of church and the disabled access toilet. 


Other Ideas

It's early days but if you come up with ideas for which you yourself would be willing to volunteer we would see if they are suitable and practical.

home deliveries

If we hear of people requiring deliveries it would be good to have contact details for those able to help once in a while. Also we get a handful of Catholic Newspapers each week that would be going to waste so if someone could drop them through a few letterboxes, that would be a help.

Playing Host at Church

We are putting into place procedures that would allow the church to be kept open for people to make visits as individuals. The office provides a safe place for volunteers to admit callers via a telecom system.


Connected with the idea of keeping the church open would be the need for some cleaning which would be restricted to the assigned area of church and the disabled access toilet. 

Let us know if you are willing to help

Please download and complete a volunteer form and return it when you can

Volunteer Form.docx
Microsoft Word Document 54.8 KB
Volunteer Form PDF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 46.6 KB